Do you feel like lockdown laws, quarantines, and social distancing orders have made it more challenging to stay in touch with yourself? Taking a bit of time to get back in touch with your inner self and your passions can help you tackle this unprecedented time. Here are a few tips we hope you’ll use to get back in touch with your best self and move forward.
- Keep track of how you’re feeling. Though many men and women feel uneasy or generally unwell after weeks and months of quarantine and social distancing, few take the time to analyze their emotions and keep track of how they’re feeling. Consider opening a private blog or chronicling your feelings in a journal to stay in touch with your feelings and how they’re affecting your mood.
- Say “yes” more often. Especially in the age of COVID-19, it can feel easy to stay home as often as possible and stay in your comfort zone. However, saying “yes” to new experiences can help you get back in touch with who you are and what you love. Whether it’s simply trying out a new recipe or planning an adult paint party for you and your friends, say “yes” to a unique experience this week!
- Develop a new habit. When you think about the person you want to become this year, what types of habits do you imagine? For example, if you want to become a person who wakes up earlier, you may want to develop the habit of going to bed at the same time every night. Committing to adding one small, simple habit to your daily life (for example, making your bed first thing in the morning) can help you unlock your best self.
Are you looking for a new experience this year? Hosting a painting party for adults is fun and easy when you choose Pretty in Paint! Contact us today for more information or to make a reservation